Are you an international buyer looking to import your next cars, trucks or SUV into your country? Copart is your #1 destination for both auction and shipping services to anywhere in the world. Copart provides over 100,000 vehicles in inventory and competitive shipping service. Whether you are looking for Toyota, Honda or Lexus, Copart has all the popular makes and models in your country.
Simply follow these easy steps to get ready for your first bid!
In order to purchase Copart vehicles, here is what you need to do:
- Register with Copart today. It's free!
- Make sure to log in by the 7th day or you'll have to register again.
- Instantly upload your government-issued ID and/or business licenses to be eligible to bid. You can upload it via our License Uploader tool found here.
- All international buyers will need the following documents to purchase:
- Affidavit Form
- Multi-state Tax Form
- Foreign Dealer, Import/Export license, or Foreign Business License
- Foreign Sales tax license, if applicable
- Notarized English translation of license, if applicable
Don’t want the hassle of dealing with the auction process?
Skip the auction process by choosing one of our authorized representatives. Our authorized representatives will help you from auction to getting your vehicle shipped right at your doorstep!
Watch the video below to learn about buying and bidding with Copart:
Copart offers competitive shipping services to anywhere in the world.
For additional questions about shipping please contact export@copart.com
All payments are due with (2) business days after sale. International buyers are highly recommended to add funds into their account ahead of time.
Copart accommodates a variety of payment options for your convenience such as wire transfer and Western Union GlobalPay X.
Import Details
It is also important to consult your local government website for import restrictions. Here are few key topics to consider.
- Are there restrictions on the age of the vehicles that can be imported?
- Are there any taxes and regulations on imports to your country?
- Are there regulations on the type of engine?