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Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125,000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

  • Can You Read This Text?

    Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125,000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

Minimally Damaged Cars For Sale

Thousands of Minimally Damaged Vehicles for Auction

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Are you a car dealership looking to upgrade your inventory? Look no further! Copart has thousands of minimally damaged vehicles available for auction. Copart's inventory is perfect for you to keep your lot stocked with new inventory.

Every minimally damaged vehicle has 10 high quality pictures and information for you to review. If you have specific questions about a car, certified and approved third party vehicle inspections are also available.

Some states have restrictions on the licensing required to purchase a salvage vehicle. Check out our map of licensing requirements to view any restrictions your state may have. If you don't have the required license, Copart has you covered with approved Brokers or Market Makers that will help you with your salvage car purchase.

Register for a Basic or Premier Copart Membership today to join multiple auctions at once and get the Buying Power you need to win your next vehicle!

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Are you located outside the U.S.? Learn how to bid and win vehicles by checking our buying instructions for businesses or individuals.

Copart has hundreds of minimally damaged vehicles to choose from. Start your search here.

If you need assistance finding a vehicle, our search tutorial has instructions on how to quickly and easily search Copart's inventory.

Minimally Damaged Vehicle Auction

Find a vehicle by using Copart's Vehicle Finder. Copart has over 15 filters so you can refine your selection, including make, model, year, sale date, and more.

Need help getting started with with Copart? Visit our FAQ page for details on how to buy Copart vehicles.

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Register to Bid and Win on Copart Vehicles. Start Today