Environmental Responsibility
Copart takes its responsibility to the environment, and our local communities, seriously
We are pleased to publish Copart’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. Public companies like ours have increasingly been asked to consider factors beyond the maximization of near-term profit or return on capital in their strategic and operational decisions. Our shareholders and their representatives have made it clear to us that creating durable value requires enterprises like ours to address societal outcomes of enhancing diversity, equality, and inclusion, and ensuring a resilient and healthy planet by managing the environmental impacts of our business.
Copart is dedicated to minimizing our footprint by teaching and implementing environmentally sound practices at our locations. This commitment goes well beyond simple adherence to laws and regulations; Copart executes processes and programs across the country that contribute to environmental stability.
Latest Emission Technology
Copart‘s practice of only purchasing the latest equipment with the most advanced emissions available on the market sets us apart from our competitors. 100% of our heavy equipment and over the road truck fleet purchases in the last 15 years came with the latest and cleanest emissions technology available.

Tire Recapping Program
Copart’s use of a tire recapping program reduces the environmental impact of our existing tires. Copart has recapped over 4,000 tires since inception of the program. These efforts significantly reduce the effects that tire waste and manufacturing have on our environment.

Extended Preventative Maintenance Schedule
By extending PM services from 250 hours to 500 hours Copart reduced its annual generation of waste oil by over 13,000 gallons and solid waste generation reduced by over 1,200 pounds annually.

Fuel Burn and Idling Reduction Policies
The implementation of operational policies that control fuel burn and idling have reduced overall fuel us by over 300,000 gallons per year, significantly reducing generated emissions.

Scrap Tire Removal
Copart turned an environmental headache into an environmental success story through its removal of more than one million abandoned tires from a 36-acre property in San Antonio, Texas. Clearing the tires alleviated the threat of fire and mosquito-borne diseases like Zika, and benefited not only South San Antonio residents, but all Texans as well.

Copart engages in many programs that have a positive effect in reducing our impact to the environment. These programs, which are the cornerstone of responsible equipment management, help us dramatically reduce the quantities of liquid and solid waste we generate.
Copart in the Community | Charitable Giving | Emergency Responders | Catastrophe Response | Economic Growth | Environmental Responsibility