Copart Member Licensing & Documentation Information
Required Documents to Bid & Buy in Live Online Auctions
After you’ve selected the Copart Member level (Basic or Premier) that fits your needs, the next step is to provide certain required documentation. These documents are often required by state and federal authorities and help keep all dealings legal and ethical. You can scan and upload these documents during your registration or come back and do so later in the user portal. We need to receive your documents BEFORE you can start bidding and buying vehicles. Once we have your documents, we should have them processed in 1 business day.

Document 1: Photo Identification
We need to make sure everybody who uses Copart is who they claim to be. So Copart requires everyone to scan a government-issued photo ID, like a Driver’s License, Passport, or Permanent Resident Card.
You can scan your identification through our secure and confidential License Scanner.
Document 2: Business License (If Required)
States and Provinces all have different laws about who can bid and buy cars at online auction. For your convenience, Copart provides our State Licensing Overview page to provide general guidelines of what is required where you live and/or where your business operates.
If you are an automotive business, you’ll need to use the secure License Uploader to submit your business and relevant state license.
If you are a private citizen in a state or province that requires a specific license, Copart can help you locate a trusted Broker with the required licensure to assist you in acquiring a bidding. Brokers can help you through the entire process of bidding, buying, and delivering your vehicle. They’ll make sure all the proper paperwork is taken care of so you can enjoy your new vehicle.

Business Licensing Map of State & Provinces
Select a state or province from the map or dropdown list to review the licensing requirements. You can also download the required forms to obtain the proper local licenses.

Business Licensing Map of State & Provinces
Select a state or province from the map or dropdown list to review the licensing requirements. You can also download the required forms to obtain the proper local licenses.
United States
Business Licensing Map of State & Provinces
Select a state or province from the map or dropdown list to review the licensing requirements. You can also download the required forms to obtain the proper local licenses.
Other Buying Options
Bidding Without a Business License
No License is No Problem
You can still bid on vehicles on Copart as long as you have a government-issued ID on file. But if you don’t have a business license and/or the required licenses for your location, you can use either or both of the following options.

Bid on Vehicles Through a Broker
Remember that when you use a Broker, you are buying the car from them and not Copart. Be sure to pay attention to any additional terms, fees and conditions the Broker may require. To help you locate the right broker to help you, you may want to pick out a few vehicles that meet your needs first. Copart’s Brokers page can help you better understand what Brokers do, and to choose a trusted Broker that fits your needs.

Bid on No License Required Vehicles
Our Vehicle Finder tool can help you easily locate vehicles that don’t require any special licenses to bid and buy. Just Select the “No Business License Required” search option.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Can’t I Bid?
There could be several reasons you can’t bid. Have you chosen and paid for a Basic or Premium Membership? Are all your documents uploaded and processed?
What Fees Are Involved?
Fees can vary by vehicle and location. Different fees may come from Copart, Brokers, Transporters and state & provincial regulators. Read further to find out more information about your specific situation.
How Do I get a Refund?
You can request a refund of any security deposit as long as it isn’t tied to an outstanding bid or unpaid fees. Sign in and visit your Account Information page, then click on the “Deposit Refund” option.
What Deposits are Required?
For Basic Members, a deposit is required to bid more than $2,000 on any vehicle. Alternately, Premier Members only have to make one deposit that is fully refundable.
Register for Copart Membership